Fitness & Nutrition Tips
Why Swimming is Essential For Weight Loss
02/23/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsWhat will follow are frequent worries and questions around the world: How can I lose weight? Which is the best way to achieve it? Will I be able to do it and then preserve it? Well, there are effective solutions for almost everything in this life and the best of all for the above questions can be summarised in one word: swimming. Yes, my friends, swimming is essential for weight loss and can keep you fit and healthy for a lifetime. Keep on reading and find out why.
read moreHow regular swimming can improve your sleeping habits
02/19/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsLiving in the 21st century is greatly challenging. On the one hand, technological evolution is providing humanity with tools that even the most imaginative writer of science fiction could hardly predict, thus boosting the perspectives of societies as a whole. On the other hand, current demands are steadily increasing the obligations of our daily lives. Where does all that lead? To more intense acceleration of the pace that we all need to move and work, to greater insecurity and finally to increased levels of anxiety. One of the most important side-effects of that situation is the disturbance of sleep that can lead to a spiral of negative consequences. Here, I will try to clarify as vividly as possible, how regular swimming can be enormously helpful and drastically improve your sleeping habits.
read moreHow Cardio Exercises Reduce Stress in Times of Social Distancing
02/17/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsWe live in strange and challenging times. The emergence of coronavirus has altered the lives of people all over the globe. At the same time, it has greatly increased the levels of stress. The necessary measure of social distancing led to a drastic change in the daily routines of people in almost every part of the world. Jobs were lost, socialising was banned and a fear of what the future brings has gradually grown. Although the initial measures are now cancelled, it seems almost certain that the second wave of coronavirus cases will emerge again. In times like these, we all need to reduce the stress that comes inevitably. Cardio exercises can be the best remedy for that.
read moreHow mindful swimming can help with coping waiting and loss
02/09/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsWe live in challenging times beyond any doubt. Although humanity progressed technologically throughout the centuries assuring that the Western world has reached an unprecedented standard of living, the challenges and difficulties that we face today are still tremendous. Especially during the current pandemic period, there are new obstacles to overcome. Issues like waiting for the recovery of both professional and social life and, worse of all, coping with the loss of loved ones are hard to deal with. Mindful swimming can, nevertheless, be greatly helpful for dealing with any hard issue that may arise.
read moreHealth effects of swimming you do not know about
02/05/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsSwimming is great for your health. All people know that regardless of their swim competence. It's great because it keeps us safe from drowning, it makes us more fit, it enhances our health (cardiovascular system, stamina etc). Nonetheless, you would be surprised by the other health effects of swimming that you probably don't know about. Injured people who are in the stage of rehabilitation, parents who want to prepare perfectly their kids for their adult life and individuals who wish to develop their social skills can gain great benefits from swimming. Keep on reading to find out how.
read moreWhy swim techniques aren't the only lessons one can take from coaches
02/03/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsSwimming is not a simple sport. More than that, it's a way of life. Not all people attending swim classes can appreciate the valuable lessons that swimming has to offer to those with open ears and eyes. Of course, this assumption goes the other way too: Not all swim coaches understand or appreciate the broader role they can play during the swim classes they provide. This is a two-way flow that can transform the swim classes experience to a new level and help both students and coaches gain valuable lessons for life.
read moreAquatic Meditation: How to Achieve Mindfulness in the Water
02/01/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsLiving in harmony and acquiring peace of mind are diachronic human aspirations. This is more evident in times of high insecurity, like the ones we currently live in. There is no doubt that preserving a stable psychological condition is the basis upon which people grow and flourish. Maybe one of the less well-known methods for achieving that is practising aquatic meditation for achieving mindfulness in the water. Maybe the terms sound a bit sophisticated but once you become familiar with their basic principles and philosophy, it can be a life-changing experience. Let's “swim” together through this ocean of wisdom.
read moreTop gym workouts that help swimmers
01/28/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsVariety is the spice of life. Adding multiple and variable elements in all aspects of your daily lives provide a greater sense of satisfaction, enriches the functioning of activities and produces better results. In cases of sports activities, this is a universal truth that is applied at both professional and amateur levels. All top coaches of the world, no matter what the sport is, plan and apply a wide variety of training methods and techniques to gain the best possible outcome. It couldn't be otherwise in swimming. Numerous workouts help swimmers to improve their performance. Let's have a look at the most effective of them.
read more4 Health Pillars for Keeping Your Immunity Strong During Covid-19
01/14/2021 | Written by Nikos Kaskaras in Fitness & Nutrition TipsThe pandemic outbreak of Covid-19 is rapidly changing all of the aspects of our lives. Nowadays there is a great sense of insecurity as far as our professional, financial and emotional future is concerned. All certainties are vanishing making the future unpredictable. On such occasions, there is an even greater danger: Worsening your health. It is through unstable and risky times that people become mentally vulnerable and then the consequences are taking a physical manifestation. In this article, I will try to outline several important health pillars for keeping your immunity strong during Covid-19.
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