a Breaking the routine: Activities that can bring you daily excitement

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Breaking the routine: Activities that can bring you daily excitement

03/15/2021 | Written by in Fitness & Nutrition Tips
Breaking the routine: Activities that can bring you daily excitement

The concept of routine is probably one of the most ambiguous ones. On the one hand, the routine is vital for our functioning and is a fundamental factor for evolving. Repeating is the source of all learning, as a famous quote says. On the other hand, a routine can be tedious and monotonous, bringing boredom and absorbing energy. Engaging in activities that can break the routine and bring daily excitement seems like the perfect middle-ground for getting the best out of your days.


Explore unknown districts of your region

We live in the years of social distancing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. It is during such awkward periods that people tend to redefine their values and change their daily routines. One of the most common activities of the period is jogging and walking in the streets. Most joggers and walkers have a natural inclination to follow a specific route. The habitual patterns of our routine are strong and they somehow seem to lead us to follow the “same old path”. Most of the time we do it unconsciously, without realising it. Most definitely, it would be a route that is enjoyable and makes us feel safe. That's fair enough, but still, we have to be sincere to ourselves: Isn't it becoming dull after a while? If your answer is positive, make the difference right away. Next time you will walk out of your house, don't take the same road. Aim to explore as many different areas and districts as possible. Begin with your neighbourhood and take it further to more places. Try to take a different route every single day. Don't be afraid to walk on narrower roads, as long as it's still daylight. People tend to clear their minds and refresh their thoughts when they are out of their homes. Projecting different images to your brain instead of the usual ones can be greatly rejuvenating.


Begin your day with swimming

The beginning of your day could define the rest of it. Feeling tired and out of energy when waking up is a tricky sign for what will follow. Although it's rather impossible to feel absolutely great every single day, we can set up specific actions for creating the best possible conditions. Probably the best way to begin your day is by swimming. Even a short morning swim can provide numerous benefits:

  • Stretching your body
  • Strengthening your muscles
  • Raising levels of energy
  • Revitalising the whole of you

It's not accidental that people who started practising morning swim, are usually becoming fanatics about it! Acquiring high energy levels is indeed crucial for getting the most out of your day as well as for reaching high productivity levels. It's refreshing and meaningful. The sense of water early in the morning feels like the perfect stimulating factor you need for feeling high and confident. Of course, healthy nutrition and sleep habits are vital prerequisites for generating daily excitement. As you can see on the above links, we have thoroughly discussed these significant issues and have indicated how swimming is correlated with them.


Explore different music and film genres

The pandemic has changed the daily routines of most people. Either it's working from home or managing quarantine, there's no doubt that certainties of the past are blurring. Nonetheless, this period is providing a special advantage: More free time. Isn't it something that we all wished for having? More free time to “do our thing”. Well, notwithstanding the peculiar circumstances under which we have come t see our wish come true, it's still a valuable asset. A great way to take full advantage of it is by exploring different music and film genres, the nights we are staying in. Naturally, we all have specific preferences. It's also understandable that we tend to avoid music and films that either annoy us or do not fit our tastes at all. But still, there are so many beautiful forms of art to discover. Nowadays, the internet is a limitless source of information. Instead of listening to the “same old music” or watching only our favourite actors and actresses, why not trying to extend our point of view? There are so many groups, films and actors we don't know about. The more we go out of our comfort zone, in terms of our cultural habits, the best individuals we become as we learn something new every single day.


Read books every day

A similar principle applies to books and writers. The emergence of the internet and the prevalence of PC's in our daily routines, has drastically changed reading habits. Most people nowadays are not reading books. All reading activity is restricted to the screens of mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Technological evolution is, of course, great but it has also drastically affected our daily routines. Sitting in front of a screen for the whole day is certainly not the healthiest of lifestyles. It's not good neither for our physical health nor for our mental evolving. Reading a book differs at a great scale from reading from a device. It's not only because the learning process is more effective because of the optimal reading comprehension associated with reading books. It's also the feeling you get when you open a book, the smell of the pages as you turn them around and the absence of radiation that goes hand to hand with PC use. This is advice addressed mainly to younger people who have become accustomed to their mobile phones for all their activities. Older people can perfectly understand that, as they were raised in a world without the internet. Gaining new knowledge and feeling the satisfaction of it, is an activity that can upgrade your potential and boost your excitement. Try it for yourselves to discover the truth in it.

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for All Ages and Abilities

For the Little Ones

Playful lessons for preschool children (3-5 years) to enhance water safety skills and become comfortable in water

School-Age Mastery

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Adult Swimming

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Sami Samour

Two years I have tried to teach my kids to swim from one school to another. I regret the money I have wasted . It took three lessons 90 minutes each for my kids to swim independently . Thank you for the team of Nereids.


Adult swimmer here. Started with zero swimming skills. Learnt freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke in less than 10 sessions. Top notch instructors.

Great investment. Highly, highly recommend.

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